Profile description
Family: Children
Daniel’s children practice involves applications for Child Arrangements Orders, prohibited steps orders, specific issue orders, removal from the jurisdiction, internal relocation, fact-finding hearings in domestic abuse cases, cases involving Rule 16.4 guardians and enforcement. Daniel is often instructed to assist in resolving disputes both in respect of the parties’ children and their finances.
Daniel also represents local authorities, parents and Children’s Guardians on applications for care and supervision orders, special guardianship, placement and adoption orders, fact-finding hearings.
Family: Property & Finance
Daniel’s family finance practice includes attendance at First Direction Appointments, Financial Dispute Resolutions, Final Hearings, s37 injunctions, applications for maintenance pending suit and enforcement applications. He is happy to advise in writing or in conference.
He has experience of cases involving intervenors seeking to protect their beneficial interests, valuations of business assets, valuation of pensions, dissipation of assets and “add back” cases and different treatment of non-matrimonial property.
He has experience of cohabitation disputes including financial applications pursuant to Schedule 1 Children Act and applications in respect of property under the Trusts of Land and Trustees Act (sometimes linked claims).
Daniel represents clients on contested Family Law Act applications for occupation orders and non-molestation orders. These applications are often linked with Children Act and Financial Remedy applications.