Profile description
Anton originally qualified as a medical doctor and worked as a registrar in Neurosurgery, before studying at Christ Church, University of Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar where he completed his DPhil under Professor Sir Colin Blakemore.
Being originally medically qualified, Anton is frequently instructed in personal injury and clinical negligence matters. Anton recently advised on a successful settlement for a very high six figure sum in a complex brain injury claim. Anton is also instructed on a professional negligence claim against a medical expert witness for a large six figure sum.
Anton has previously brought Judicial Reviews against coroners in relation to adjournment of and refusal to hold inquests, as well as refusals to hold inquests under Article 2 and with a jury.
Doktor Anton van Dellen to angielki adwokat (barrister) specjalizujący się w sprawach cywilnych oraz gospodarczych.
Przed rozpoczęciem praktyki adwokackiej, Dr van Dellen pracował jako lekarz medycyny- specjalista neurochirurg, a następnie ukończył doktorat na Uniwersytecie w Oxfordzie. Doktor van Dellen był także wykładowcą na Uniwersytecie w Oxford (Collegue Christ Church).
Doktor van Dellen ma szerokie doświadczenie w prowadzeniu postępowań przed sądem apelacyjnym, jak i Sądem Najwyższym. Pracuje w zespole prawnym Goldsmith Chambers.
Kontakt w jezyku polskim pod nr: 07749 068 541. Doktor van Dellen mastały dostęp do polskiego tłumacza.
Daktaras Anton van Dellen yra Anglijos advokatas (baristeris), kurio specializacija – civiliniai ir komerciniai klausimai. Prieš pradėdamas teisinę praktiką, daktaras van Dellen dirbo medicinos gydytoju neurochirurgijos srityje, o paskui baigė doktorantūrą Oksfordo universitete. Taip pat daktaras van Dellen dėstė Oksfordo universitete (Kristaus bažnyčios koledže).
Daktaras van Dellen turi daug patirties teismo procesuose Aukštajame ir Apeliaciniame teismuose. Kreipkitės į mus lietuvių kalba telefono numeriu: 07575 161166. Daktaras van Dellen gali naudotis lietuvių kalbos vertėjo paslaugomis.
Inquest touching upon the deaths of Anthony Walgate, Gabriel Kovari, Daniel Whitworth and Jack Taylor – deaths of the victims of Stephen Port, a serial killer in Barking, instructed by the partner of Daniel Whitworth, East London Coroner’s Court.
Inquest touching upon the death of Gareth Edwards – Article 2 inquest following a hanging in prison, Oxford Coroner’s Court.
Inquest touching upon the death of Gerome Reyes – inquest following death on board ship. Inquest adjourned and referral made to CPS for consideration of a charge of corporate manslaughter, Coroner’s Court at Winchester.
Inquest touching upon the death of Goda Januleviciute – inquest following the death of a 6-year old from chickenpox where the deceased had contact with a number of different NHS agencies, Bedfordshire & Luton Coroner’s Court.
Inquest touching up the death of Milana Ambrasaite – inquest following the death of a 5-day old child from Hypopxic Ichaemic Encephalopathy (HIE) and Meconium Aspiration Pneumonia, Coroner’s Court at Winchester.
Inquest touching upon the death of Loqman Kelly – inquest following the death of a mental health patient after discharge from a mental health hospital, Berkshire Coroner’s Court.