Profile description
Public Children Law
Clive has represented local authorities, parents, Guardians and the Official Solicitor. He has appeared in cases involving:
Complex medical evidence.
Serious non-accidental injuries to children.
Allegations of sexual abuse.
Substance misuse.
Mental health issues.
Parents with significant learning difficulties.
Private Law
Clive represents parents and children in private law cases. He has experience in the following areas:
Intractable contact disputes.
Fact finding hearings involving allegations of sexual abuse or serious domestic violence.
Child abduction.
Shared residence applications.
Applications to change a child’s surname.
Applications to remove from the jurisdiction.
Financial Remedies
Clive advises and represents clients in ancillary relief applications, defended divorces and disputes between former co-habitants (TOLATA claims). Recent cases have included the following:
Analysis of company business accounts.
Substantial farming assets.
Cases with an international element.
Inherited wealth.
Wills, Estates and Family Provision
Clive advises and represents clients in Inheritance Act claims and contested probate matters. Clive has recently advised on matters concerning the following:
Construction of wills.
Questions arising on the distribution of an estate.
Issues of testamentary capacity.
Rectification of a will.